Overall impression. It was well worth doing
but two days was enough to be cooped up in the city. It is also much more
expensive than the mountains. It was strangely tiring, a combination of muggy
heat and having to do a surprising amount of climbing. The Duomo and Giotto's
Tower are very special, helped in our case by getting there at unfashionable
times of day.
The Uffizi is also unique but I got most
pleasure out of the less publicised bits. There are lots of paintings of the
great people of Florentine history and knowing a little of the history of the
period that gave me a buzz. Beryl even spotted Macchiavelli staring down from a
ceiling at us (I actually own a copy of The Prince) However you can have too
much of religious imagery. Admittedly my knowledge of art is such that I can
recognise the great names but I can't tell why their paintings are better than
that of those I hadn't heard of. Raphael looked really two-dimensional in a lot
of his. The paintings that gave me most pleasure were thrown in almost as an
afterthought at the end; the two famous Rembrandt self-portraits and two
Canalettoes of Venice. Their secular nature might be what I found appealing.
Al these time I was building up an unprovable
theory. If you took every painting and effigy of the Virgin Mary and lined them
up side by side, would it take you longer to walk past them than Her lifetime on
this earth?
I liked the Palazza Vecchio. It has a host of
PCs with an interactive presentation on the palace, the Medici and renaissance
Florence. This explained the architecture of the palace which was amazing
and this made walking round much more enjoyable. My favourite part was the map
room; absolutely fascinating but then I love maps. W arrived on the battlements
just before 12 o'clock and sat down to take in the view. At noon we were
suddenly surrounded by chimes from all directions. It was marvelous. As the
clocks were otally synchronised this went on for some time.
Where not to go? The Boboli Gardens; very